The choice of erasure process is determined by the degree of protection required. Are we dealing with general data? Do your storage media contain highly sensitive and secret data? Does your top secret data require a particularly high level of protection? In short: erase or destroy?
Whether it is SSD, hybrid or flash memory in laptops, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices, CHG-MERIDIAN offers a precise and cost-effective erasure solution. Tailor-made to your devices, your data, and your security requirements, and with the aim of realizing the highest possible residual value for your assets.
The process at the Technology Center in Gross-Gerau is ISO-certified to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001:2015 and compliant with BSI-standard basic protection. In Skien, Norway, eraSURE® is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards and NSM-compliant.
CHG-MERIDIAN's certified data erasure process eraSURE® offers a tailor-made solution that is fully automated and compliant with relevant standards. It also helps to reduce your workload, provide an audit trail, and is economical thanks to low overall costs.