Cost management taken one step further


As an innovative technology manager with decades of experience, CHG-MERIDIAN creates maximum cost transparency, identifies potential savings – and achieves these savings.

Anything can be written on a piece of paper, but it does not make it a true reflection of reality. Those who think calculating the total cost of ownership for technology infrastructure is a trivial matter involving adding up the numbers in quotations and price lists will be in for a shock at the end of the year. It is not only the acquisition cost that is critical but also factors such as usage patterns, servicing requirements, loss or damage, and location-specific influences. Creating lasting transparency is anything but trivial.

Medium-sized businesses and international corporations should not simply accept a ‘good price’ per PC, for smartphones, or for the printer fleet. The same goes for the management of material handling vehicle fleets and for capital expenditure on medical equipment. It is important to consider all the costs over the entire lifecycle of the assets, including all internal and external resources for operation, servicing, and remarketing. This is the only way to be sure of making well-informed decisions about acquiring and operating assets, obtaining funding, and finding partners. Ultimately, this is the only way to put the facts on the table that will convince the CFO.

The key to TCO is maximum, verifiable transparency. This can only be provided by an independent organization that has in-depth market knowledge. That has robust benchmarks. That is not tied to particular suppliers or service providers. That operates worldwide and has local expertise. That develops financing concepts that will not put a strain on the balance sheet. That uses a technology and service management system providing centralized, transparent information, even about complex, decentralized projects.

Efficient Technology Management® that meets your requirements – this is what we offer. Contact us now and you will know what is actually going on rather than having to believe what the piece of paper says.


“Do you know what costs your capital expenditure project will actually incur over the entire lifecycle?”
“Do you always have objective information at your fingertips about whether your infrastructure project is still on track?”
“Do you know which factors determine the success or failure of an international rollout?”
Ralf Behrning, Executive Vice President Sales Western Europe

“Those who make decisions about capital expenditure need to be able to objectively and independently assess all the facts throughout the lifecycle – and know what their options are.”


I am looking forward to talking about TCO with you.

Ralf Behrning

Executive Vice President Sales South-West Europe

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