Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential

Digitalization is a leading topic of discussion in the public sector. But what might modernization and digital transformation measures actually look like in practice? CHG-MERIDIAN knows how to make the most of the opportunities presented by this change and is developing customized solutions for the digital transformation of public sector organizations.

Zukunftspanel 2018 study highlights the key topics of Public Sector 4.0

Digitalization processes open up new opportunities, but they also create various challenges, according to the recently published Zukunftspanel Staat & Verwaltung 2018 study. [1]
Despite the need for technical and organizational modernization, around 70 percent of the public-sector bodies surveyed state that they are unprepared for the challenges of the digital age.


Findings of the Zukunftspanel 2018 study – © Wegweiser GmbH Berlin Research & Strategy


These include developing e-government and taking steps towards digitalization (79.6 percent), establishing an HR policy that embraces demographic diversity (48.5 percent), tightening IT security (38.3 percent), and remaining an attractive employer (32.3 percent).


Making the most of digital transformation – from a vision with obstacles to a path with potential

In addition to the above-mentioned challenges, the public sector is also feeling the pressure of reduced budgets, the need to cut costs, and a growing demand for transparency. We help our customers to shape their digital transformation sustainably along the entire technology lifecycle – with intelligent financing models, technological modernization, and digitalization of the workplace culture. Our aim is to secure the long-term performance and adaptability of our public-sector clients by maximizing efficiency and cost-saving potential.

This is where our financing models come into their own. They can help to reduce overall costs and risks, which in turn creates room for maneuver and frees up resources that can be used elsewhere. To increase transparency, we have developed TESMA®, an app that brings together all important administrative and technical information and displays it in real time. This allows for greater process efficiency and improved transparency. Our comprehensive technology landscapes support the modernization and digital transformation of public-sector organizations and set them on the path toward Public Sector 4.0.


Findings of the Zukunftspanel 2018 study – © Wegweiser GmbH Berlin Research & Strategy



The Zukunftspanel Staat & Verwaltung study is published every year by Wegweiser GmbH Berlin Research & Strategy and the Hertie School of Governance to coincide with the Zukunftskongress Staat & Verwaltung congress. For more information on Zukunftspanel 2018, visit:

The challenge, in particular, is to develop end-to-end business concepts for Public Sector 4.0 that are not only standardized and transparent but also flexible, determined by public-sector clients themselves, and customized to satisfy their individual requirements.
Frank Schöneberg, Head of Public Sector Sales Germany

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31.7.2018 – Weingarten

Public Sector 4.0: Understanding the digital revolution – identifying and leveraging potential

• Digital transformation remains on the public sector's agenda
• Attractiveness as an employer and HR policies that embrace demographic diversity are growing challenges
• CHG-MERIDIAN’s integrated approach promotes digital transformation and efficiency

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Public Sector

Shaping the digital revolution in the public sector

Digitalization processes open up new opportunities for the public sector, but they also create various challenges. CHG-MERIDIAN supports you with individual IT usage concepts in order to shape your digital transformation efficiently, budget-oriented and sustainably and to seize chances successfully.

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The easy way to use technology

Using our technology lifecyle expertise, we manage all kinds of equipment, from smartphones and laptops to healthcare technology and forklift trucks. tesma is the platform through which we implement our customized business concepts, keeping your costs and administrative burden to a minimum. And not least to make work more enjoyable, as many processes are straightforward, paperless, and convenient.

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Contact me now!

I am looking forward to talking about the public sector 4.0 with you.

Frank Schöneberg

Vice President Public Sector & Healthcare Sales